Tag-Archive for » bullying «

Compliments of Howard County Library System via Flickr

I felt so abused, so punished, so violated, so deeply hurt, and eventually very angry that I could not defend myself.” The Civility Solution

Forni suggests that rudeness flexes the “strength” of others. It is in his estimation an attempt to “…show off, dominate, intimidate [and] coerce.” Turn the page…

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Compliments of rwhgould via Flickr

Workplace bullying is minimized because its scars are unseen – only felt and experienced by the recipients of bad behavior. As Matthiesen and Einersen (2004) explain, PTSD from a bullying incident can approximate the psychological impact of rape. The feelings of violation from being manhandled (particularly in a public forum) can last for a lifetime. Turn the page…

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