Tag-Archive for » organizational culture «

Compliments of Chris Devers via Flickr

High profile individuals falling like dominoes has become a daily occurrence – with growing numbers increasingly caught “red handed” for crossing the line. As reprehensible as sexually exploitative antics can be, the larger (and unexamined) meta variable that permits untoward acts is culture – the collection of policies, practices, people, systems, and standard operating procedures that run like invisible scaffolding throughout companies, filigrees of top executive belief (and folklore) embedded within subordinates’ minds. Turn the page…

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Compliments of rwhgould via Flickr

Workplace bullying is minimized because its scars are unseen – only felt and experienced by the recipients of bad behavior. As Matthiesen and Einersen (2004) explain, PTSD from a bullying incident can approximate the psychological impact of rape. The feelings of violation from being manhandled (particularly in a public forum) can last for a lifetime. Turn the page…

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