Tag-Archive for » feedback «

Compliments of puukibeach via Flickr

If businesses are able to identify customer wants and needs, customers will typically pay more for their products, even if they shop strictly on price [Barlow and Moller].

This year I attempted an alternative type of spring cleaning, with the goal of continual improvement.

Books such as “Treat me like a customer” and “A complaint is a gift” offer recipes for responding to dissatisfaction. Last week I implemented some of these time honored techniques in my own Principles of Management course. I sat down with a couple of students, and asked what they would like to see different. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Natalia and Gabriel via Flickr

In her book “The best advice I ever got: Lessons from extraordinary lives” Katie Couric profiles lessons from royalty, CEOs, legends in the performing industry, and individuals who have risen to prominence in their respective fields. Below is Nia Vardalo’s advice to the small: Turn the page…

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