Compliments of reclaimedhome via Flickr

A friend recently told me that she’s an “entrance nut.” In other words, she thinks that her home’s first impression leaves a lasting image, and that her property should be maintained with the same care paid to interview preparation. Snap judgments of your home’s semblance go deeper than a casual glance. They are either compliments or indictments of the tenant on record.

In dressing for success, individuals are urged to take the utmost care in grooming, presentation, coordination, and styling. To have a positive impact, a similar level of concern should be devoted to the permanent structure that is continually communicating – your home. It is well maintained, free of clutter, meticulously manicured, and tastefully decorated? If you’re remodeling, check to see that your embellishments are congruent with both the style of your home, and the decor within your area. You want people to glance at your property because they’re approving (and not because they’re appalled).

When remodeling, it’s best to consult with a professional – such as a landscape architect, property manager, designer, or realtor. If you live in a period home, 10 Tips for Remodeling/Restoring your Period Home provides some great advice: e.g., “It is important to stay with the style of your home” (unless of course, you want to stick out like a sore thumb). Be cognizant that others look at houses in a shared space, and that they wish to derive enjoyment from their community.

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