Archive for » 2012 «

Compliments of puukibeach via Flickr

If businesses are able to identify customer wants and needs, customers will typically pay more for their products, even if they shop strictly on price [Barlow and Moller].

This year I attempted an alternative type of spring cleaning, with the goal of continual improvement.

Books such as “Treat me like a customer” and “A complaint is a gift” offer recipes for responding to dissatisfaction. Last week I implemented some of these time honored techniques in my own Principles of Management course. I sat down with a couple of students, and asked what they would like to see different. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Michael Branson Smith via Flickr

“Self-centered behavior can lead to an excessive focus on self-gratification at work, which can result in the violation of others’ rights, or in abuses of control, bullying, and exploitation…” (Gilbert, Carr-Ruffino, Ivancevich, & Konopaske, 2011).

The recent New York Times piece (alleging toxicity within Goldman Sachs) was surprising both from a content and authorship perspective. The penman was an employee who publicly submitted his resignation letter online. Turn the page…

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