Tag-Archive for » sabotage «

Compliments of sofieskein via Flickr

In an HBR blog post, Schwartz defines the phenomenon of negative emotional contagion at work. Specifically, he suggests that one bad employee can pollute the entire office culture. Manager mood is especially significant because “Leaders, by virtue of their authority, exert a disproportionate impact on the mood of those they supervise.” Turn the page…

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Compliments of screenpunk via Flickr

What’s worse than rape? Betrayal (The General’s Daughter).

 I was watching a WWII movie called “The Guns of Navarone,” in which a presumed group member (actually a German spy) was shot when the resistance discovered her true identity.

Modern day spies are among us. Espionage, sabotage, and devious acts occur (within companies) when individuals choose to undermine their co-workers. Instead of discussing an issue with their peers, they trot into the boss’s (or another manager’s) office and unload.   Turn the page…

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