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Compliments of Axel Buhrmann via Flickr

 Pursuing things independently of others’ approval is the essence of entrepreneurial spirit (Adizes, 1979, p. 87). 

How often do we find ourselves doing things against our own desires, or sometimes even contrary to our own best interests? “Energetic prostitution” [Christel’s 6 point energy assessment for 2010] is a form of self-denial in which we engage in activities so that we may appear more “pleasing” to other people. Zukav and Francis (2001) coined the term “pleasers” for persons whose mindset is formed from hearing others’ opinions. Their intense desire to please is created by psychological dependence on others’ approval, a desire for their friendship, and the need to be liked. Effective time management suggests however that life is a balance, and that to be truly happy we need to please ourselves first. What we need then  is to regularly schedule pockets of time to refresh our spirits. Turn the page…

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Compliments of saintbob via Flickr

 “There is no reality above and beyond that created by the integration of all consciousness” (Talbot, 1991, p. 160). 

We exist in the era of instant – instant coffee, instant food, and even on a recent episode of “Dancing with the Stars” we witnessed “instant dancing.” Behaviorally, we are in a mode of “instant gratification” in which we expect our desires to manifest immediately. But if we take a broader view of events we realize that our eventual success, project completion, or object of desire may not be at our finger tips because we are enmeshed in a vast, dynamic universal web of interconnection. The non-physical realm, or celestial storehouse in which all activity, past, present, and potential exists in a subatomic wave encoding of thought has been termed “The Field.” The background sea of activity that surrounds us exists because all matter (though appearing solid and immutable) is actually nothing more than a mass of electrical charges (McTaggart, 2002). These charges are constantly interacting with one another at a quantum, or subatomic level, leaving a holographic imprint of both the object and the interaction. Turn the page…

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