In the movie “One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” the character known as “Big Nurse” behaves in a rigid, rule oriented manner. She is a “cold, precise woman with calculated gestures and a calm, mechanical manner” who treats her patients as if they are on a level playing field with children. Turn the page…
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Category: Managing Tags: bullying, emotional intelligence, managerial development
Category: Managing Tags: bullying, emotional intelligence, managerial development
In any workgroup or social gathering, it seems that there’s always one person who is difficult and disruptive. Prima donnas behave as if they’re in a parallel universe in which they alone make the rules. defines obnoxious as: annoying or objectionable [behavior] due to being a showoff or attracting undue attention to oneself; an obnoxious little brat. We might not be able to define obnoxious behavior (but like obscenity) we know it when we see it. Turn the page…
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