Tag-Archive for » bullying «

Compliments of dog.happy.art via Flickr

If I have unkind things to say, it’s because I’ve experienced unkind things [Nepo, 2000].

If you take someone who is uncelebrated and put a crown on their head, they will rise to the occasion. In the movie My Fair Lady, you’ve no doubt witnessed the impact that differential treatment can have on recipients. Individuals thus grow to behave according to the mirror image they see in the reactions of other people. We therefore flinch when the most “important” voices are left with the remains of the day. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Thai Jasmine via Flickr

 It’s time to build bridges, not just burn down the other side. [Laura Ingraham]

This week in my Principles of Management class we discussed the rapid change of organizational structure. In essence, corporate hierarchy is imploding – replaced by more organic firms in which employees work alongside “unleaders” in a more equitable fashion. In other words, “I don’t work for you and you don’t work for me, but together we work to accomplish a common goal.” Under these conditions you no longer need the patronizing imprimatur of boss approval. Turn the page…

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