Fast and loose with the spoken word is one thing; but speech (when calcified on paper) can produce either extraordinary or devastating outcomes. Texting has transmorphed what was previously a domain of careful study and scrupulous forethought to a slapdash affair, one in which we may not take time to proofread. Instant has become the catchphrase (not just for a communication medium), but for a mode as well. Wrapped with ragged taped edges, “send” is now a metaphor for a more permanent form. Sometimes we forget the following: Turn the page…
Synonyms surrounding the moniker “professionalism” include descriptors like “adeptness,” “proficiency,” “skillfulness,” and even the word “civility.” But professionalism on a deeper level hearkens far more than a set of activities to showcase our skill sets, or even behavior in response to a more formal setting. Professionalism (or lack thereof) signifies a personal branding, a business aura that stamps us in the mind’s eye of both our peers and colleagues. Turn the page…
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