Compliments of
Riccardo Cuppini
via Flickr

Last week, I experienced a long-awaited end to the Lenten season – after which I would have resumed my previous ways, and carnal habits. But in 2018 I continued my pledge. I ended up feeling more refreshed, less full, and in greater control of my life. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Dimitris Kalogeropoylos via Flickr

Twenty-four hours is all any of us are granted in a day. 1440 “jewel encrusted minutes,” that we can either use wisely, or squander in an irresponsible fashion. Reclaiming our time occurs with concerted effort, as Turner explains in The Fringe Hours (and accompanying website) that includes work sheets – an hour by hour tracker for each day of the week, so that short falls in being good stewards (with our time) appear obvious. Electronics have usurped everyone’s free time on a grand scale, swallowing up hours in which we could be doing a host of things other than Internet surfing. Turn the page…

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