Compliments of birgerking via Flickr

Compliments of birgerking via Flickr

With the advent of social media, the prevailing sentiment is that the more the merrier. Most of us have multiple accounts, many of which remain dormant. I recently consolidated all of my sites. Now, I’m able to focus more attention on the ones that dovetail my interests.

Social media have varied targets. The site that’s most “friendly” most likely won’t jibe with work/business. Searching for and/or crafting postings across multiple platforms can however become unwieldy and time consuming. Since I’ve eliminated accounts I don’t use, I can devote more effort to crafting my personal brand. Where are the places that people will likely seek/find your online presence? Because I have limited hours each day to check media (and because I sometimes suffer digital overload), I’m now more productive, and feel far less fragmented. I also get more “bang for the buck” in the places where I’ve focused my attention.

Time spent streamlining your image, developing relationships, recommending individuals, and overall, paying more positive attention to your digital presence is the end product. In view of your social media smorgasbord, is there anything in your diet you could eliminate? I would imagine that if you jettisoned unnecessary holdings you wouldn’t even miss them, and would as a consequence become more organized.

Constant checking and comment notifications create less focus, which results in marginal presence. Take stock of all the sites on which you’re registered. Rank order them on usage, utility, and overall contribution. Is a two-step verification login important? If so, then create a category for security as well. If you eliminated everything below your top three picks, your digital load would become lighter – and your time would be freer to pursue those things that benefit you most.

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