Compliments of dougievision via Flickr

How we communicate with our “homies” does not always play well with a wider viewing audience. Casual chat (absent standard business greeting) may be fine for text with friends, but is frowned upon in more formal circumstance. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Rick via Flickr

Conversing with people years past occupied a place of tradition – face to face repertoires that we anticipated, and in which we routinely took pleasure. Verbal discourse (in the age of digital) has become somewhat antiquated when upstaged by texting, e-mail, and electronic back and forth. Oral skills (when shelved) remain dormant (or decline), particularly when we are latched to a cell phone. Statistics show that looking down at droids (and iPhones) can even result in death.

Below are some ground rules, in the spirit of facilitating rapport and improving our safety: Turn the page…

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