Archive for » 2012 «

Compliments of Village Square via Flickr

During the 1990s it was not uncommon to see job titles of “Vice President of Diversity,” and “Chief Diversity Officer.” New organizational positions are the harbinger of what’s deemed important. In today’s climate of focus on the uncivil, I’m seeing the term “civility czar” mentioned in mainstream media. Turn the page…

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Compliments of janeandd via Flickr

Approaching a milestone birthday has given me pause regarding what’s truly important. Up until this point, home, career, and ensuring that everyone else is happy have taken priority.

If life is short (and my remaining days are finite), I’m left considering what to do with the remainder – which is focus more on personal pursuits that bring me pleasure. This includes a cessation to people pleasing, enhancing/maintaining my physical health, abandoning the worry mindset, and tossing my pursuit of perfection. Turn the page…

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