Archive for » 2012 «

Compliments of Thai Jasmine via Flickr

 It’s time to build bridges, not just burn down the other side. [Laura Ingraham]

This week in my Principles of Management class we discussed the rapid change of organizational structure. In essence, corporate hierarchy is imploding – replaced by more organic firms in which employees work alongside “unleaders” in a more equitable fashion. In other words, “I don’t work for you and you don’t work for me, but together we work to accomplish a common goal.” Under these conditions you no longer need the patronizing imprimatur of boss approval. Turn the page…

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Compliments of WAstateDNR via Flickr

Businesses (to stay current) continuously observe their offerings. This activity results in the following outcomes: (1) refreshing the memory of the manager in charge; (2) inciting action as to what needs ordering, transferring, or discarding; and (3) keeping the company’s contents on the front burner. Turn the page…

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