The energy shrinkage from personal trauma (to blog posting) requires enormous time and creativity: cf.: (1) selecting pieces most relevant to the audience, and (2) condensing activities into pixelated entries supported by research. A process imbued with discomfort, to the point where only writing yields catharsis. An author’s exorcism in which troubling events can be disassembled.
Somewhat akin to the transformation process Gizmo experienced in Gremlins.
Mr. Wing (Gizmo’s owner) cautioned never to wet the small creature, lest both owner (and his pet) suffer the consequences. When subsequently doused, Gizmo writhed in pain screaming until five projectile fur balls suddenly appeared. Representations not as gentile as their original maker, smaller versions each one with a pint-sized strapping attitude. In the case of blogging, water (in the form of first hand unfortunate breaks) reconstitutes as editorial offspring – some of which seemingly have a mind of their own.
In your face, more insistent, able to speak for themselves. The blogger alter ego on display in ways that face to face would not occur – their mask of feigned niceties removed (for a moment) to illuminate issues that might otherwise remain untouched. In the face of unfairness, writing may be the only activity that provides relief.
A book is of course an animal of a different breed – the temperament of a blog posting multiplied tenfold, a tabla rasa for the writer on which to unravel her tale. The truth of its maker told from a unique perspective on a world stage.
“To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself.” Anne Rice
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