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Compliments of clarkstown67 via Flickr

“The perpetrator – the person who’s ‘dissing’ another – acts in a manner that shows complete disregard for the target’s humanity” (Namie, 2011).

At work, do you always feel like you’re a hair trigger away from getting your hand slapped? Are compliments few and sparsely administered, whereas reprimands are plentiful, exaggerated, and designed to let you know who’s boss? Managers’ focus signals which activities they most enjoy. Abusers spend more time punishing individuals than praising them – if the reverse were true, perhaps there would be more to praise in the first place. Turn the page…

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Compliments of id-iom via Flickr

“An unheralded, unnamed revolution is unfolding in our midst. Everywhere, people are becoming less willing to put up with disrespect.” (Fuller, 2003).

In his book “Sombodies and Nobodies” Fuller (a former college president) explains that power differentials are not  evil  per se–  rather, it’s how incumbents wield their position that results in oppression or in equality. The problem arises when people “pull rank” – when they use power to put someone in their place. “Rankism” is treating people in an unequal fashion; it’s when managers view employees as containable objects. Turn the page…

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