Shared governance at work occurs when people have a say. Employers involve workers through survey, focus group, or town hall meetings and by asking their opinion. If however the cultural emphasis is elsewhere these behaviors won’t happen. Employees will not contribute (no matter how many participative mechanisms are in place), unless they feel a mutual respect—unless bosses have bridged the hierarchical divide. In the Harvard Business Review article, “Do Your Employees Feel Respected?” the author mentions that the most important thing managers can do is to treat people as treasured assets. Turn the page…
Employees with a stylistic variance evoke discomfort in companies where “different” is labeled “deficient.” Unfortunately, fix yourself may be the first response. YOU are the one who should be more direct, less sensitive, more assertive, less militant, a better more congruent version of other people, and an employee who behaves in a less “authentic” manner. Turn the page…
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