Mr. Peanut

This week in Management class we discussed logo items. These include items like pens, watches, stuffed animals, t-shirts, and a host of company related paraphernalia. On the surface, they don’t carry much value.

When received from your manager (in a selective manner) they can carry tremendous weight. I role played in class to demonstrate this point.

I gave one student a “Mr. Peanut” doll. I then told the person sitting next to him to try and take it away. You would not believe how attached people become in a matter of seconds to something that is seemingly trivial.

Much of motivation theory argues that what people really want is recognition; they want to feel valued, supported, and unique. Mary Kay Ash embodied this sentiment perfectly; she stated that people appreciate when you respond to the invisible sign which reads “Make me feel important.” Non-monetary motivators (like the simple act of attention) can make people soar.

To my management classes this term: you are all special, unique, and accomplished individuals. To each of you, I give an honorary peanut.


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All viewpoints expressed by Jackie Gilbert are her own, and not of her employer.

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2 Responses
  1. Thanks for the peanut. I have experienced first hand what it feels like to not be recognized but always looked to for results.

  2. Tokwiny D on April 21st, 2012 at 6:53 pm
  3. Dr. Gilbert,

    I only hope that my learning from yor teachings and this class will not be forgoten, and that I’ll find it all useful in some way. Thank you for this honorary peanut. I’ll keep it in a safe and easy-accessed place.-My memory.

  4. Charles Barnett on April 23rd, 2012 at 3:57 pm