Archive for » 2024 «

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Compliments of Leonhard_Niederwimmer via Pixabay

Penny wise and pound foolish, powering through when we do not feel up to par occurs when amassing wealth, power, and fortune are top priorities. We are stingy with our down time—with at least half of surveyed employees each year leaving unused vacation time on the table (Zucker, 2023). Turn the page…

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compliments of robertokabana from Pixabay

Time is an irreplaceable resource, allocated democratically—an asset that each one of us can use wisely, or squander. Although electronic devices and inventions are hailed as time savers, they can ultimately be time wasters as well—especially when we engage in mindless web surfing that leads to dissatisfaction with our lives. Perusing seeming endless achievements of other people is not something we were meant to do. Turn the page…

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