Archive for » 2016 «

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Compliments of Stuart Harding via Flickr

Compliments of Stuart Harding via Flickr

You don’t understand the concept of a family! To you it’s something you put up with on national holidays! Love is a gift Alex, not an obligation.” Fools Rush In

Achievement, awards, accolades, and peer recognition cloud our minds in the formative years of establishing our careers. A headlong gallop into more, better, bigger, and faster appears to be our primary focus. The fleeting notoriety we accumulate exists on a different plane from that which endures long past material possessions. Turn the page…

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Compliments of wild trees via Flickr

Compliments of wild trees via Flickr

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3

It’s easy to point your finger, feel accusatory, pass judgment, and assess blame – to stand back with self-righteousness indignation and proclaim “There now. They did it!” A recipe for frustration is expecting everyone around you to self-modify, while you sit back smugly, self-satisfied, visualizing the worst from someone who has been (within your own mind) both finger printed and booked. What if we instead pointed the finger at ourselves? Turn the page…

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