Archive for » 2013 «

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Compliments of Flickr

When I was small, I remember children kicking another child’s carefully constructed sand castle – each one taking turns disintegrating its structure. A grownup scenario of this occurs (at work) when bullies are permitted to abuse their peers on a serial basis – the equivalent of having your persona diminished, and the shards of your accomplishments kicked in your face.

Imagine if there were no system of justice: and each day you were required to see the person who assaulted you, and silently deal with the effrontery of their self-righteous exultation. Turn the page…

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Compliments of Flickr

We’ve heard about the dangerous impact of bullying on mental healthPTSD being the most profound and nefarious product of abuse. Self-worth sinks to zero when feelings of accomplishment are destroyed. If vicious enough, a single bullying incident can do the trick. Turn the page…

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