Archive for » 2012 «

Compliments of Painted Tapes via Flickr

God says we need to love our enemies. It hard to do. But it can start by telling the truth [The Help].

Lately, I’ve watched films that portray the human condition under duress. One of these is an Oscar nominated movie entitled “The Help,” in which maids (living in the deep South) decided to invoke change. They contributed their personal stories to a book that illuminated their condition as oppressed, exploited, degraded, and abused. Turn the page…

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Compliments of ginparis2002 via Flickr

In the show Hoarding:  Buried Alive, we see appalling images of individuals living in filth, blockaded by their belongings that to the point where they can barely move. This show is a metaphor for anxiety, depression, and poor self-image caused by others. Turn the page…

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