When I initially began crafting this blog, it was aimed at physical organizing – grouping, shedding, and discarding unwanted items. It has evolved to a dual focus on arranging one’s things, and carefully choosing one’s behavior. Someone asked me what bullying has to with organization. My response is: everything. Discarding thoughts, attitudes, and actions that don’t serve a positive purpose should be priority #1.

Penney Peirce encourages us to act as if everyone can hear the comments you mutter underneath your breath.” Rearranging our personal selves drives the relationship with our stuff. If you are conflicted, angry, anxious, or fearful, then your physical space may reflect your state of mind. Because we are continually mulling over myriad thoughts (some of our own choosing, others that appear to trespass upon our mental real estate), it behooves us to be selective in those images we hold fast. If your mind was a movie screen, would you want to see what’s playing?

If thoughts are obsessive and repetitive, great ways to distract ourselves include meditation and yoga. Calming the mind through sustained focus, mental discipline, and redirected attention forces you to be in the present moment. Another tack is to engage as much as possible in actions that require your full attention. I’ve read for example that race car drivers find themselves “in the zone,” so immersed in the present moment that they think of nothing else.

What hobbies engender the same emotion, or evoke similar passion? Do you feel at your peak when you’re with other people, or, when you’re surrounded by solitude? Introverts and extroverts derive their sense of peace differently. Suffice it to say that avoiding negative people and situations provides relief. Because this is however not always possible, choosing your response (or choosing not to respond at all) may be the best route. When others see they can no longer push your buttons, they may find another source of amusement.

Exercises to strengthen our character and slim down our thought sequence are integral to experiencing inner peace. The intensity and focus of your regimen will determine your contentment.

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